• A musical publishing company specialized in movie and television soundtracks publishing, production and distribution. <p emlfz="yp3h4">The company established in Holland own or control all the publishing rights to the works and recordings it makes.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">For more than some 15 years, Larghetto Music company has acquired and financed, as owner, more than 5000 works to which it owns worldwide copyrights (fim music, instrumental works, songs, symphonic works, etc&hellip;) written and composed by over 100 different composers of varying nationalities.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">In addition to the film music and the variety works, the company has developed a classical music department which publishes works of chamber music, contemporary symphonic works, and works from the classical repertoire (Schubert, Cherubini, Saint-Sa&euml;ns, Wagner, Pucini, Catalani, Bach, Beethoven, Sousa, Debussy, Chopin, etc.).</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Lastly, the company&rsquo;s catalogue also counts some fifty traditional and folk music works.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto Music has also signed contracts with numerous performing artists, groups or orchestras, among which some word famous stars (Paul Misraki, Vladimir Cosma, Diane Dufresne, Mireille Mathieu, Richard Sanderson, Cook da Books, Lara Fabian, Stanciu Simion, Juan Carmona, Ivry Gitlis, Nana Mouskouri, Herbert Leonard, Plastic Bertrand, Nicole Croisille, Karoline Kruger, Chet Baker, Tony Coe, Roger Hanin, Toots Thielemans, Liam O&rsquo;Flynn, Eddy Reader, Marshall Titus, Quatuor Enesco, london Syphony Orchestra, F.R. David, Reginald, etc.)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Due to its international publishing activity, the company has sucessfully permitted the manufacturing and distribution of over 200 phonograms (records, CD, tapes) containing works from its own catalogue in their original versions, as well as a considerable number of &ldquo;instrumental covers&rdquo; and especialy vocals in many countries.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">For its international productions, the company has received over 20 gold and platinum record awards (Italy, Japan, France, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Canada, etc.)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">The Company&rsquo;s management decided to join the BUMA-STEMRA (Holland) and SACEM-SDRM (France and other Territories) to collect the publishing rights since France is the foremost European country for film productions (film industry and television)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">The activities of Larghetto Music rely on a structured organization with the contractual support of other companies of the same group ocated in particular in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Switzerland which perform a certain number of material services under the direction and the control of Larghetto Music, such as : legal services, recordings, management of orchestras and musicians and, aso, general promotion.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">The organisation of the group with its international structure and contacts make it possible for Larghetto to produce the works and exploit them on a world-wide basis.<br sxtdb="jylpc"/> </p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto Music est une entreprise d&rsquo;&eacute;dition musicale sp&eacute;cialis&eacute;e plus particuli&egrave;rement dans la production, publishing et diffusion de musiques et chansons de films de cin&eacute;ma et de t&eacute;l&eacute;vision.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">La soci&eacute;t&eacute; est implant&eacute;e en Hollande en raison de la grande tradition &eacute;ditoriale et commerciale de ce pays, plac&eacute;e au c&oelig;ur m&ecirc;me de l&rsquo;Europe au centre des cultures anglo-saxonnes, germaniques et latines. </p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto d&eacute;tient la pleine propri&eacute;t&eacute; et le contr&ocirc;le &eacute;ditoriale des &oelig;uvres et des enregistrements qu&rsquo;elle &eacute;dite. La Soci&eacute;t&eacute; a ainsi acquis et financ&eacute; en pleine propri&eacute;t&eacute;, depuis plus de 15 ans environ, plus de 5000 &oelig;uvres dont elle d&eacute;tient le copyright pour le monde entier (musiques de films, &oelig;uvres instrumentales, chansons, &oelig;uvres symphoniques, etc.) &eacute;crites et compos&eacute;es par plus de 100 auteurs compositeurs diff&eacute;rents de nationalit&eacute;s diverses.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Outre les musiques de films ou les &oelig;uvres de vari&eacute;t&eacute;s, la soci&eacute;t&eacute; a d&eacute;velopp&eacute; un d&eacute;partement classique qui &eacute;dite des &oelig;uvres de musique de chambre ou symphonique contemporaines ainsi que des &oelig;uvres du r&eacute;pertoire classique (Schubert, Cherubini, Saint-Sa&euml;ns, Wagner, Puccini, Catalani, Bach, Beethoven, Sousa, Debussy, Chopin,etc.)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Le catalogue comporte &eacute;galement de nombreuses &oelig;uvres traditionelles et folkloriques.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto a &eacute;galement sign&eacute; des contrats d&rsquo;artistes interpr&egrave;tes, groupes ou orchestres prestigieux (Paul Misraki, Vladimir Cosma, Diane Dufresne, Mireille Mathieu, Richard Sanderson, Cook da Books, Lara Fabian, Stanciu Simion Syrinx, Juan Carmona, Ivry Gitlis, Nana Mouskouri,, Herbert L&eacute;onard, Plastic Bertrand, Nicolle Croisille, Karolyn Kruger, Chet Baker, Tony Coe, Toots Thielemans, Liam O&rsquo;Flynn, Eddy Reader, Marshall Titus, Quatuor Enesco, London Symphony Orchestra, F.R. David, Reginald, etc.)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Gr&acirc;ce &agrave; son activit&eacute; &eacute;ditoriale internationale, Larghetto a permis la fabrication et la diffusion avec suc&egrave;s de plus de 200 phonogrammes (disques, CD, K7 etc ) contenant des &oelig;uvres de son catalogue en version originale ainsi qu&rsquo;un nombre important de covers instrumentaux et vocaux.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">La Soci&eacute;t&eacute; a obtenu pour ses productions internationales plus de 20 disques d&rsquo;or et de platine (Italie, Japon, France, Suisse, Belgique, Angleterre, Canada etc.)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto Music est repr&eacute;sent&eacute; par les Soci&eacute;t&eacute;s BUMA-STEMRA (Holande) et SACEM-SDRM (France et autres pays du monde) pour recevoir les droits d&rsquo;&eacute;dition, la France &eacute;tant le premier pays d&rsquo;Europe pour la production de films (cin&eacute;ma, t&eacute;l&eacute;vision)</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Larghetto s&rsquo;appuie &eacute;galement sur une organisation structur&eacute;e avec le support d&rsquo;autres soci&eacute;t&eacute;s du m&ecirc;me groupe situ&eacute;es aux Etats Unis, Angleterre, Suisse pour ce qui est de l&rsquo;aide juridique, de la production et du management des musiciens ou des orchestres ainsi que pour la promotion.</p> <p emlfz="yp3h4">Cette organisation permet &agrave; Larghetto de produire et d&rsquo;exploiter des &oelig;uvres &agrave; vocation internationale.</p> <ul> <li shxiq="34hw2">12 + 12 (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">60 Maisons clefs en Mains (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">7 O'Clock (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A Berlin, Toi et Moi (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A Berlin, Toi et Moi (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A Deux Mains (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A double tour (final) (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A Game of Great Speed (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A la Poursuite d'Arsène (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A la recherche de Marius (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 17 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A la Vie (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 117 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A l'Abordage (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A toi de faire mignonne (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 3 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A Travers la Lande (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">A travers Paris (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Across the Heather (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Adagio Cantabile (Sonate n°8) (1991) composed by 3 by 3 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Adagio Pathétique (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Adultère Bourgeois (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Adultère Bourgeois (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Adventure Theme (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Again (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Agitato (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Aide toi et le Ciel t'Aidera (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 117 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Airport Drinks (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Airport Quiproquo (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alan Breck (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Albert Compose (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Albert est Méchant (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alcazar (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alexandra (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alexandre le Bienheureux (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alfred (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Allan's Ballad (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Allegretto Macabre (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Allo Samba (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Allo Samba (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Allo, Henry ! (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Almost a Miracle (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alphaville (final) (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : ALPHAVILLE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Alphaville (final) (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amélie ou les Séparations (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amor Amor (1991) composed by 47 by 47 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amore, Bruciate il Mio Cuore (1994) composed by 51 by 51 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amour et Deltaplane (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amour Paternel (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Amour, Castagnettes et Tango (1983) composed by 2 by 2 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Andantino (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Andantino Grazioso (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Andantino pour "sifflet" et harpe (1993) composed by 80 by 80 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Angelina (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Anthony et son Père (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Antillaise (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 85 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Antillaise (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 85 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Antoine et Liza (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Antoine et son Père (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Appareillage de la Malaisie (marche) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Aria - La Wally (1999) composed by 1 by 1 - 27 - Album : MYSTICA (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Armand's Rescue (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Arrivée à Biarritz (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Arrivée de Nuit à la Vieille Cabane (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Arsène, Arsène (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Art Déco (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Astérix chez les Bretons (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Astérix est là (1985) composed by 75 by 75 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attack (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attaque Villageoise (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attentat sur la Corniche (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attentat sur la Corniche (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attila Attaque (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Attractive Arsène (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Au Billard du café (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Au Golf en Mobylette (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Augustine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ave Maria (1981) composed by 5 by 5 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Aventure à Deux (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Aveuglement (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Azulado (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">B. B. Blues (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">B. B. Blues (alternate take) (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">B.B.!... I Presume (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Babouchka (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bacchanale (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bacchanale Assassine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bach come Back (1993) composed by 28 by 28 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Back in a Minute (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bagdad's Folies (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 13 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bal chez le Tzar (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ballade d'Alan (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ballade de Faon (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ballade de l'Elephant (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ballade en Irlande (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Banzai Rhapsodie (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Barbara, Chelsea & Co (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Barbe à Papa (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Barbès Rock (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 2 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Batucada Feijoada (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">BB cha-cha (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">BB cha-cha (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Béatrice évanouie (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bébé BD (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 39 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bela's Blues (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Belem (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ben Zidi Melodie (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Berceuse Bretonne (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bérénice Blues (1976) composed by 63 by 63 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bernard et Albertas (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Betrayal (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Big Bavure (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 43 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bingo Ostinato (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bird Calls (La Forêt Incantatoire) (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bizarre, tout est Normal (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Black & White Bottom (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Black Star (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Blackfinger (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Boléro libanais (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Boléro libanais (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Boléro Papinou (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 61 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bonsoir (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 10 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Boogie Blues (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Boris Drama (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 86 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bossa des Tueurs (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bossalexandre (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bravo Plistax (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Brinquedo de Amar (boi-bumba) (1996) composed by 68 by 68 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Brinquedo de Amar (boi-bumba) (1996) composed by 68 by 68 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bruno's Secret (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bucolique (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bucolique (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bulles de Champagne (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Bungra Jungle Mix (1996) composed by 13 by 13 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ca ne sert à rien (1958) composed by 39 by 39 - 121 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ca ne sert à rien (1958) composed by 39 by 39 - 121 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cabine de Plage (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cacao Angelo (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cache Cash (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cache Cash - generique (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cadre Dynamique (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 57 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Café Toulon (rag-time) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 30 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">California Party (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cambriolage Nocturne (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Camera Cachée (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Candide (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Canela (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Capacuba (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Carinhoso (1999) composed by 45 by 45 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cassoulet (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Catherine's Pub (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Catriona (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Catriona (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Catriona Triste (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Celles qu'on n'a pas eues (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 15 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Celtic Dance (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Celtic Mysteries (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">César et Marius (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 30 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">César Superstar (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cha-cha (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cha-cha (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cha-cha de St Chartres (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 61 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cha-cha Ririri (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 2 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chanson du Chevalier Blanc (1979) composed by 48 by 48 - 149 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chanson en langue inconnue (1967) composed by 38 by 38 - 74 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chanson en Langue Inconnue (1997) composed by 38 by 38 - 74 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Charleston (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Charme Oriental (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Charme Oriental (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chateauvallon (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cher Baiser (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 99 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cher Baiser (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 99 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chéri ? (instrumental) (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 19 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chéris fais moi peur (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 19 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cheval, controleur fiscal (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cheval, The Tax Collector (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cheveux Roses (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chewing-Gum Attack (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chiens perdus sans collier (1955) composed by 38 by 38 - 21 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chiens perdus sans collier (1955) composed by 38 by 38 - 21 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Chou Fleur (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Choucroute Garnie (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christian et Cornélia (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christiane (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christiane et Jacques (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christiane et Michel (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christine (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christine (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christine and Brochant (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christine et Brochant (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Christine Leaves (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Clérambard, la Chevauchée (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Clérambard, la Colère (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Clérambard, l'Ami des Bêtes (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Clérambard, le Chasseur (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coeur Solitaire (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Con à Grande Vitesse (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Concerto de Berlin (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Concerto Gastronomique (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Concerto Gastronomique (allégé) (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Confidences pour confidences (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 23 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Corazon (1996) composed by 51 by 51 - 114 - Album : LES SABLES MOUVANTS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Corridor (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Country Gardens (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTICA (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Country Gardens (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup de Coeur (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup de Filet (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup de Filet (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup de Foudre (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup de Jeune (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Coup Fourré (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Courage Fuyons (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Courage Fuyons (générique début) (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Courages Fuyons (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Course à Contretemps (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Crépuscule Musette I (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Crépuscule Musette II (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cubano Viet (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 19 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Cuisine et Dépendances (bulerias) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dans la campagne d'Aix... (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dans la Serre (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dans le désert de Barkar (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dans le Repère du Loup (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dans les Nuages (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 39 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse chinoise (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 135 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse des jeunes Hassidiques (1974) composed by 72 by 72 - 98 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse du Tapis (1983) composed by 85 by 85 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse du Tapis à la Libération (1983) composed by 85 by 85 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse Tartare (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danse Villageoise (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Danses Hassidiques (1974) composed by 72 by 72 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Daphné / Spaghetti jazz (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">David chez l'Oncle Ebenezer (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">David dans les Loch (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">David's Song (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTICA (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">David's Song (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : MYSTICA SPIRIT vol.6 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">David's Song (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">De Liane en Liane (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Déception de Barbara (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Défilé (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Delight (1992) composed by 68 by 68 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Delight (End title) (1992) composed by 68 by 68 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Delight (rue Saint-Sulpice) (1992) composed by 68 by 68 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Delphine and Armand (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Delphine's Phantasm (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Demi-teinte (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Départ de Christine (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Départ de François (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Départ de Marius (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Derrière la Vitre (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Des Toros et des Hommes (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 114 - Album : LES SABLES MOUVANTS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Désenchantement (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Desert, desert (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 13 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Deshabillage / Undressing (2001) composed by 59 by 59 - 139 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Désirs Blessés (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Desperatly seeking Sybil (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Destinée (1990) composed by 70 by 70 - 87 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Destinée (2000) composed by 54 by 54 - 87 - Album : STAR TUBE 80 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Deux Chameaux dans un Placard (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 13 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Digame (guitare solo) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner de Cons (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner de Cons (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner de Cons (version P. Catherine) (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner de Cons (version Romane) (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner Game (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diner Game (orchestral version) (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis moi pourquoi (1994) composed by 60 by 60 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Disillusion (instrumental) (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version chantée) (1956) composed by 39 by 39 - 29 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version chantée) (1956) composed by 39 by 39 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version orchestre) (1956) composed by 39 by 39 - 29 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version orchestre) (1956) composed by 39 by 39 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version slow) (1956) composed by 39 by 39 - 29 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dis-moi quelque chose de gentil (version slow) (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Disons que je reste (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Diva - Extrait de "La Wally" (2005) composed by 1 by 1 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Dixie Rag (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Doina (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Don Welson Corléone (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Douce est la Mort (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Douceurs Ternaires (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Douceurs Ternaires (alternate take) (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Echange de Clichés (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ecole Buissonniere (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ein Batzen und Ein Heller (1992) composed by 11 by 11 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">El Duendecito (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Electrochoc (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Embarquement pour l'Afrique (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">En congés pour la vie (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">En Famille (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 134 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">En Fuite avec Alan (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">En Rêvant (1994) composed by 55 by 55 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">En Route pour Massillia (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Encore une Tuile (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Enleve (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Enlevement de Marylin (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Enquête policière (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Enzio Fox (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Epilogue (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Escapade Bucolique (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Escapade Romantique (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Espagne nocturne (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Espagne nocturne (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Esperando a Julia (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Espionissima (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Essuie-glace (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Essuie-glace (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Et Dieu créa la femme (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Et Dieu créa la femme (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ethnic Jungle You You (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Etienne et Charlotte (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Etourderies (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Eva and Alain (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Eve's Peril (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Evocation de Jo Lechat (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Expedition Gauloise (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fanny (generique fin) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 30 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Farandole Provençale (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fauve, la Fille de Mercuès (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fazenda (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Félix et les Lapins (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 87 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fete à la Chaux-de Fonds (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fiesta en Lo de Leo (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fièvre tropicale (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fièvre tropicale (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Filature (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fillettes party (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fillettes party (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fin de Kumaré (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fin de Soirée (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Final Rock (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 95 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Finale (1983) composed by 85 by 85 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">First Mission (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fleurette ou le Passage du Rein (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Flirtation (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Floarea Soarelui (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 133 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Florea Soarelui (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Flouzebusters (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Formalities (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Formalities (instrumental) (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Freddy's Birthday (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Freddy's Dream (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Freddy's Hope (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Freddy's Song (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fugato Pastoral (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fugue de la Boulangère (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Fuite du Jaguar (1999) composed by 58 by 58 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Funérailles (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Funérailles Marseillaises (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 17 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gaby, My Darling (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gaëtan (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Galaxie (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ganimard sur la Piste (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Garimpeiro (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gazou, Gazou (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Generique de fin (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gérard (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Get it Together (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Get it Together (2004) composed by 68 by 68 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gilberte (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Go on for ever (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Goodbye William (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 69 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gorodish (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Got No Cash (2004) composed by 68 by 68 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gotta Get a Move On (1980) composed by 51 by 51 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gotta Get a Move On (1980) composed by 51 by 51 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gotta get a Move On (instrumental) (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Guillaume et Bernadette (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Gymkana (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hamac Récalcitrant (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Happy Birthday to You (1996) composed by 23 by 23 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Happy End (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hard Beat (Ruff Mix) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Helene et François (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hello Marylin ! (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Herlock Sholmes (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">High-Society (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hip Pop (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hobbylog (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hong Kong Flirt (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Hot Dog (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">I Can't Swim (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Idéfix la Grenouille (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Idefix Superchien (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Il Faut que tu me dises (alegrias) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Il Gèle en Enfer (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 31 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ile Flottante (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">I'm Walking Away (1994) composed by 51 by 51 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Impromptu Op. 90 (1994) composed by 16 by 16 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Impromptu Opus 90 in G bemol Major (1992) composed by 18 by 18 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">In search of Sybil (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">In The Mood (1983) composed by 20 by 20 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Incantation de Wanu / Incantation of Wanu (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Incantation of Wanu (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Incertitude de Spring (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Indansable (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Indansable (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Indian Flip (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Insaisissable Arsène (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Interlude (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Interlude - 2e version (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Irish Tune (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Iron Gate (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Isabelle (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">It Was Love (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ivan Ogareff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jacques Compose (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jacques et Gilberte (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">J'Aime pas les Ascenseurs / I don't Like Elevators (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jalousie - Blues (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jalousie - Blues (2e version) (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Java de Rita (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jazz party (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jazz party (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jazz Rapide (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jazz Rapide (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je me souviens, Mercuès (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je n'ai pas dit mon dernier mot d'amour (1979) composed by 74 by 74 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je ne peux pas lui en vouloir (1994) composed by 56 by 56 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je suis Timide... mais je me Soigne (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 33 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je Suis une Blonde toute Ronde (2003) composed by 66 by 66 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je t'aime, Jeanne (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Je veux ça... (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 83 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jean et Benjamin (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jeanne arrive à Nice (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jeanne et Lucas (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jebsheim (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jerk Campagnard (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jeux Dangereux (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jeux Dangereux (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">J'irais revoir mon Armorique (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Julie à l'ecole (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Julie et Leo (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Julie François (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Juliette et Carradine (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Juliette et Carradine (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jumbo l'Elephant (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jumbo l'Elephant (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Jungle et Cie (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Juste Leblanc (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Kangourou (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La 7e Cible (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La 7e Cible (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Baignoire et la Mer / A Bath by the Sea (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Belette (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Belle Agathe (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Belle Amour (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Belle Amour (2e version (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Belle Augustine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Bistraille (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Bistraille (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Blessure (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Boum - Suite d'Orchestre (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Boum 2 - Your Eyes (2005) composed by 51 by 51 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Boum 2 (instrumental) (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Boutique des Délices (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Cabra (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Candelaria (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Cavale Secrète (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Chanson de Martin (1977) composed by 64 by 64 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Chatelaine (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Chatelaine du Liban (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Chateleine du Liban (final) (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Cité d'Arkadia (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Commanderie (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Complainte des Chômeurs (1992) composed by 67 by 67 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Cour des Miracles (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Course (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Course à l'Echalote (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Course de Chars (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Course du Furet (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">la Danse des Chômeurs (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Danse des Pirates - chanson (1985) composed by 69 by 69 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Danse des Pirates - karaoke (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Découverte (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Demoiselle et le Barbon (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Dépêche (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Dernière Carte (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Dérobade (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fanfare de Leo (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Femme de ma Vie (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Femme du Boulanger (generique) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Femme Rêvée (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fièvre monte à El Pao (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 51 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fièvre monte à El Pao (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 51 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fin des Chateaux (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fin d'un Mythe (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fine Equipe (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Flamme Olympique (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Foire aux Modèles (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fugue de Nadia et Michel (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fuite (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Fuite de Nadia (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Gloire de mon Père (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Gloire de mon Père (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Gloire de mon Père - Habanera (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Grande Aventure (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Grande Blonde (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Grande Nuit Shagmique (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Grenouille et le Tonneau (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Guerre (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La guitare s'en mêle... (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 135 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Jeune fille (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 3 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Jeune Fille Laide (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Langueur d'Octave (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Loi Mogokhs (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Maison de Shaw (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Maison Volante (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Malette (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Melopee de Falbala (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Menace des Highlanders (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mer et l'Enfant Sauveur (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mère de Michel Strogoff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Minute de Vérité (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 53 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Minute de Vérité (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 53 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mort d'Antonin (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mort de Panisse (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 17 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mort de Picoud (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mort de Teddy (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Mouette et ses Plumes (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Moutarde me monte au Nez (générique) (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Neige et le Feu ( thème principal) (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Nique à Hitler (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Noce en Fuite (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Nuit tous les chats sont gris (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Pagaille (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 57 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Paloma (1983) composed by 81 by 81 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Parisienne (1995) composed by 68 by 68 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Party (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Petite Fille et le Clochard (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Peur d'Augustine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Plus que Lente (1993) composed by 8 by 8 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Polka du Dragon (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La potion Magique (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Poursuite d'Alfred (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Promenade en Voiture (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 80 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Promenade en Voiture (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 80 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Recherche (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Recherche (2e version) (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Reconstitution (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 43 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Renaissance (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Réserve (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Réserve des Bannis (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Resignation (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Robe de Diamants (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">la Roulotte de Vitalis (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">la Roulotte de Vitalis (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Rousse (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Route de la Treille (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Route de Sibérie (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Rue Hébraïque (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Séparation (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Septième Cible - Concerto de Berlin (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Série de Cavaillon (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Sieste (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Soif de l'Or (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Soif de l'Or (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Soif de l'Or - generique fin (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Souris (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 19 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Suisse... 600 km (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Surprise du Chef (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 61 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Taverne des Marins (Bolero) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 17 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Tortuga (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 47 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Totale ! (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Totale ! (Generique debut) (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Totale ! (generique fin) (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Tourello (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vache et le Président (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse d'Augustine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse de l'Adieu (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse de Sarah (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse des Dîneurs (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse du Congrès (1992) composed by 29 by 29 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Valse du Maestro (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 86 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vie en Rose (1983) composed by 14 by 14 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vie est à Nous (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Ville détraquée (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : ALPHAVILLE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Ville détraquée (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Ville inhumaine (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : ALPHAVILLE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Ville inhumaine (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vouivre (1989) composed by 31 by 31 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vouivre - Eternity (2005) composed by 51 by 51 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Vouivre - generique (1989) composed by 31 by 31 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Wally (version instrumentale) / Aria from La Wally (1981) composed by 1 by 1 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Wally / Aria from La Wally (1981) composed by 1 by 1 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Wally / Aria from La Wally (1981) composed by 1 by 1 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">La Zizanie (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Accusateur Privé (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lady from Amsterdam (1977) composed by 52 by 52 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Agnosie (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Aile ou la Cuisse (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Air du Proscrit (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 31 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Laisse-moi rêver (1991) composed by 78 by 78 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Ambition (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lame de Fond / Ground Swell (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lamento (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amicale de la Truffe (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour en Héritage (1984) composed by 71 by 71 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour en Héritage (2005) composed by 55 by 55 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour en Héritage (instrumental) (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour entre nous deux (1990) composed by 78 by 78 - 31 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour, toujours l'amour (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Amour, toujours l'amour (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Langouste Brésilienne (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 84 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE 2 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Animal (thème) (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Animal (version disco) (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Année Prochaine si tout va bien (1990) composed by 65 by 65 - 39 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Apparition du Moine (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Appel des Eaux (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Appel du Large (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Argent n'a pas d'Odeur (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Armée d'Argile (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Armoire aux Lapins (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Arnaque de Meme-Zezette (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Arrivée au Village (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Arrivée en Amazonie (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'As des As (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'As des As (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'As des As (finale) (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Laszlo et Elizabeth (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Laszlo et Elizabeth (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Laurence, Je vous aime (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Laurent Sauve Malou (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Automate Romantique (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Avancée (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Aveu (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bain des Chevaux (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Bal (interlude piano) (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal (interlude piano) (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal (interlude piano) (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal des Casse-Pieds - Les Casse-pieds (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bal des Casses-Pieds (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Bal Surréaliste (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Balcon (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Baleine II (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Baromètre (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 39 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bateau Fantome (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Bon Choix (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Branle de Reichshoffen (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Caddie de Zézette (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 87 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Cadeau de Jean (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Camp Endormi (1999) composed by 24 by 24 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chantage (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chateau de ma Mère (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chateau de ma Mère - Valse d'Augustine (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chef de Service (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 145 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chemin d'Arsene (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chien de Mr Michel / A Dog for M. Michel (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 71 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chien Mort (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Chômeur Etalon (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 10 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Ciel, la Terre et l'Eau (1968) composed by 61 by 61 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Coffre (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Commissaire Nicolo (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Compte Muller... Chambre 347 (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Compte Muller... Chambre 347 (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Congrès s'amuse - generique (1992) composed by 29 by 29 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Couloir de l'Angoisse (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Coup de Lapin Farci (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Coup du Parapluie (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Coup du Parapluie (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Cristal (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Curé et l'Antillais / The Priest and the West Indian (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Débarquement (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Déménagement (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 23 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Dénicheur (1983) composed by 12 by 12 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Dernier Homme (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Dernier Mercuès (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Dernier Rendez-vous (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Desespoir de Laurent (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Diner de Cons (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Distrait (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Distrait - Final (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Doulos (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Doulos (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Doulos (final) (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Doulos (final) (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Doute d'Ivan (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Film dans le Film (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Fils du Français (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Flashbic - chanson (1985) composed by 69 by 69 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Flashbic - karaoke (1985) composed by 69 by 69 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Furet (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Furet à la pêche (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Genie Precoce (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Gout du Pouvoir (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Blond (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Blond avec une Chaussure Noire - Danse Roumaine (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Desert (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Marcel (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Rabbi (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Rabbi (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Grand Voyage de David (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Jaguar (Final) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Jaguar (ouverture) / The Jaguar (overture) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Jouet (generique) (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 83 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Majordome (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 85 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Maniaque (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Marchand d'Hommes (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 114 - Album : LES SABLES MOUVANTS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Marché aux Fleurs (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Mari de Léon (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 86 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Mensonge (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Miracle (gospel) (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Monstre (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Naufrage (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Nemkor d'Arkana (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Nô du Chomeur (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 10 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Palais des Ambitieux (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Père Noel est une Ordure (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 87 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Père noel est une Ordure / Nous irons tous au Paradis - Le Père Noel au Paradis (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Petit Marcel (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Petit Marcel (piano seul) (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Pignouf (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Placard (chaplinesque) / The Closet (2001) composed by 59 by 59 - 139 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Plus beau métier du monde (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Plus beau métier du monde (version rythmique) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Premier Pas (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Prix du Danger (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Prof (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Quadrille de Wellington (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Quadrille de Wellington (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Rabbi déchainé (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Rap des Sous-Doués (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Rendez-vous (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Rendez-vous (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Rendez-vous (final) (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Repos d'Alexandre (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Retour d'Arsène Lupin (generique) (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Retour d'Aurélie (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Retour d'Ivan Ogareff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Rock Pirate (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Schpountz (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Schpountz (final) (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Schpountz à Paris (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Secret du Druide (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">le Shagma (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Souper (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Sourire de Liza (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Souvenir d'Isa (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temple du Bonheur (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temps d'aimer (1958) composed by 40 by 40 - 143 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temps d'aimer (1958) composed by 40 by 40 - 143 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temps des Chateaux (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temps ne fait rien à l'Affaire (1998) composed by 21 by 21 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Temps Retrouvé (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Triomphe de mon Père (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Vieux Port (generique debut) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Voyage de Césariot (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 17 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le Zen dans l'Art de la Tartine / Zen and the Art of buttering bread (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Echapée Belle (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Echapée Belle (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Echelle (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Echelle (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Leçon de Karma (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Ecume de la Mer (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Légèrement (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lemmy (générique) (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 95 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Enfance d'Alfred (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Enfant et la Nuit (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Envol (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Envol Final (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les 2 heros Indestructible (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 33 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Amitiés Amoureuses (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Amours de la Langouste (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Amours de Nicolas (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Apaches en Folie 2 (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Apaches en Folie1 (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">les Automates (1975) composed by 62 by 62 - 145 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Barjos 1 (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">les Barjos 2 (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Bouleversants Malentendus (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Boys (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Brahms m'en tombent (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Byblos à Las Vegas (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Cadences Infernales (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Casses Noisettes (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Champs de Lavande (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Chevaliers de la Mort (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Coeurs Brûlés (1994) composed by 55 by 55 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Coeurs Brûlés (instrumental) (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Collines (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Compères (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Coquelicots (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Couloirs de la Mort (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Cousins (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Cousins (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Demoiselles de Province (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Demoiselles de Province (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : NOVA FAIT SON CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Deux Coeurs (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Escapades de Tanguy (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Fillettes (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Fugitifs (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Fugitifs - final (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Gitans (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Grandes Familles (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Hommes (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Jouets du Président (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 83 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Journalistes (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Jumeaux diaboliques (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">les Kovalic (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Mains Sales (final) (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 107 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Malheurs d'Alfred (1976) composed by 73 by 73 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Maramouches (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Mers Lointaines (generique fin) (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Messagers du Shagma (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Mondes Engloutis - Karaoke (1985) composed by 69 by 69 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Mondes Engloutis - version TV (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Mondes Engloutis (generique) (1985) composed by 69 by 69 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Nouveaux Exploits (generique) (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les oiseaux poétiques (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Palmes de M. Schutz (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 111 - Album : LES PALMES DE M. SCHUTZ</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Parisiens (1962) composed by 41 by 41 - 130 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Parisiens (1962) composed by 41 by 41 - 130 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Permissionnaires (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Pirates du Lac (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Piroas (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Pittbulls d'Albert (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Rencontres (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Rendez-vous Manqués (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Retrouvailles des Sous-Doués (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Révisions (1993) composed by 79 by 79 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Rois du Gag (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Roses de Blida (1997) composed by 77 by 77 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Roses de Dublin (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Roses de Dublin (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Ruelles de Matupa / The Space at Matupa (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Rues de Chateauvallon (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Sables Mouvants (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 114 - Album : LES SABLES MOUVANTS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Saxs Brothers (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Septs arcs-en-ciel (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Souliers Vernis (1975) composed by 62 by 62 - 145 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Sous Doués en Vacances (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Souvenirs de l'Elephant (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Strates du Temps (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Tourments du Boulanger (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Tournesols (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Travaux d'Alexandre (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Trois Soeurs (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 23 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Vacances (rag-time) (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Vacances d'Alexandre (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Victoires d'Alfred (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Voix de l'Obscur (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Les Yeux d'Hélène (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Esclave du Desert (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Etang (1958) composed by 42 by 42 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Etang des Noues (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Eternel Parle à son Disciple (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 117 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Etrange Demoiselle (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lettre de l'Au-delà (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Etudiante (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Evasion (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Evasion de Tragicomix (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Levy et Goliath (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 117 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Homme et son Chien (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lilette et Mireille (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Inconnu (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Indien / The Indian (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Initiation (1994) composed by 19 by 19 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'inspecteur la Bavure (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 43 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Insurrection (generique debut) (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 56 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Little Girl and Big Monkey (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Livin' Together (Get it Together) (1994) composed by 68 by 68 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Livin' Together (Get it Together) (2004) composed by 68 by 68 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Londinium's Cave (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lord Prestongrange (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Louche Connexion (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Louis in Love (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Louise et Urbain (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Love Story Borely (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Lugar ao Sol (1999) composed by 76 by 76 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Usine désaffectée / The Abandoned Factory (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">L'Usine Tricatel (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ma Petite Fille (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Madeleine (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Madeleine (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mademoiselle Bertrand (romance) / Miss Bertrand (2001) composed by 59 by 59 - 139 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maeva Polka (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Magouille (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maigret tend un piège (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 121 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maldonne (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Malika, mon coeur (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 117 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maman Titine (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mambiando à St-Tropez (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Manciniade (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Manège (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Manège St Louis (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marc et Hélène (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marcel et Augustine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marche du Spahi (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marchin' (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maria de Bahia (version instrumentale) (1957) composed by 39 by 39 - 0 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marie et Maloup (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marimba (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 3 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marius et Fanny (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marlène Sasseur, Nymphomane (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marlène Sasseur, Nymphomane (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : TO A SANDY BEACH (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marmelade de Marguerite (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Massalia Rag (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Massalia Ragtime (piano seul) (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Max la Menace (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maxime et Isabelle (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 39 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maya (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maya (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maybe you're wrong (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Méfiez-vous fillettes (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Méfiez-vous fillettes (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 125 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mélancolie exotique (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mélancolie exotique (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Memories (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Menace dans la nuit (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 121 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Menace sur le Bonheur (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mes Tziganes (1999) composed by 24 by 24 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Métro police / Metro Police (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Métropolka (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Meurtre (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Meurtre (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Meurtre au Chateau (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mi cante es mi Perdicion (Tarantos) (1993) composed by 49 by 49 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel et Salima (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 133 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel Strogoff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel Strogoff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel Strogoff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michelle (1983) composed by 25 by 25 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Minestrone (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Minou Attaque (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Minuit Chrétiens (1991) composed by 11 by 11 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Miracle (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mira-mira-mira (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mira-mira-mira (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mission Interdite (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Misterioso (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Modigliani chez lui (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mon Ami Lili (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mon Fils (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mon Or c'est mon Argent (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mond des Parpaillouns (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Monocle et Haut-de-forme (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Monsieur Dugroin (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Monsieur Prescovic (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 87 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Monsieur Requiem (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Montparnasse 19 (final) (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Montparnasse Pondichery (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Montparnasse Pondichery (Finale) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Moonlight Serenade (1991) composed by 22 by 22 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mort de l'Indien (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mort de Modigliani (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mort de Modigliani (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mort d'un jeune Homme (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mort, Tendre Ennemie (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Moto en Folie (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mouvement Perpétuel (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 111 - Album : LES PALMES DE M. SCHUTZ</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mozart Massacre (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Multipattes (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Murky Turkey (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Music-Hall (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">My Funny Louise (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">My Life (1989) composed by 68 by 68 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mystere Airline (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Na Democracy (1993) composed by 9 by 9 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Naadin (Deep Mix) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nai, Nai, Nai (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Naval Jazz-Band (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Navarin aux Pommes (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ne m'attends pas (Tangos) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ned Compose (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nice Cup of Tea (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nincompoop (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">No Hay Estrella (Alegrias) (1993) composed by 49 by 49 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">No quiero sufrir (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">No quiero sufrir (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nocturne Opus 9 in E bemol major (1992) composed by 15 by 15 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nostalgic Memories (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nous irons tous au Paradis (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Now (1993) composed by 68 by 68 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nuit à Irkoutsk (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Nuit sur l'Etang (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">O.P.A. (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Obelix Amoureux (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Obsession (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Obsession (final) (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Octopus (Jungle Mix) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ogareff à Omsk (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Oh, Agathe (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 108 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Oh, Sole! Tivela (1999) composed by 58 by 58 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ombres Chinoises (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">On a volé ma Grand-Mère (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">One Step de Fête (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Orgue d'Enfer (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Orphée et Elvire (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Os Capengas (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ouverture (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ouverture (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ouverture de l'As des As (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Oy ! Oy ! Oy ! (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Oy ! Oy ! Oy ! (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 41 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paire de Dames (Zarb solo) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paire de Rois (Zarb solo) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Papillon de Nuit (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 111 - Album : LES PALMES DE M. SCHUTZ</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Parachutage (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 2 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pardon, mon affaire (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paris - London (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paris Amsterdam (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paris Libéré (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paris, Années 30 (1995) composed by 59 by 59 - 110 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Parker par Coeur (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 131 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Parlami d'Amore Mariu (1983) composed by 37 by 37 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paso Doble de l'Usine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Passage in Time (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Passeport pour le Soleil (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE 2 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Passion Pastorale (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pastoral Landscapes (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pat & Albert (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paul et Catherine (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paul et François (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Paul's Revenge (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Perdus dans la Toundra (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Perrin et Maya (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Peter's Theme (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTICA (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Peter's Theme (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Petit Chèque, Gros Chèque (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Petit Paradis (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Petite Maman (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Petite Samba (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 3 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Peur Bleue (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Piano-bar (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pidela Adios (Tangos) (1993) composed by 49 by 49 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pierre et Agnes (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 33 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pierre et Bunny (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pierre et Jackie (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pierre et Lisa (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pierre et Marie Curie (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 111 - Album : LES PALMES DE M. SCHUTZ</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pigeon Volé (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 65 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pignon Décomposé (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 75 - Album : LE DINER DE CONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pignon et Lucas (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pintade à Jeun (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pizzicato du Tueur (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Place des vosges (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 121 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Plaisir Tzigane (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pleure pas la bouche pleine (1975) composed by 57 by 57 - 134 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pleurs dans les Steppes (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poésie de l'Enfance (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poésie de l'Enfance (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poker (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Polka de Lulu (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Polka du Caroussel (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pondichery (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Porque nao? (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Porque nao? (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pot-Pourri 1940 (1983) composed by 85 by 85 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pot-pourri de Valses (1983) composed by 34 by 34 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pot-pourri de Valses Musettes (1983) composed by 35 by 35 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pot-pourri Samba Bayon (1983) composed by 4 by 4 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pour Lucas (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Pour un Amour Lointain (1998) composed by 36 by 36 - 0 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE 2 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poursuite en autocar (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 85 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poursuite en autocar (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 85 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Poursuite en Char à Voile (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 33 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Prélude de la suite en ré mineur BWV 1005 / Prelude to the Suite in D minor (1981) composed by 27 by 27 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Premier Baiser (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Première Patrouille (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Preparatifs (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Prise d'Otage (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 112 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Prisonniers du temps perdu (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Professeur Gaudeamus (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 24 - Album : COUP DE JEUNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenade Dangereuse (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenade dans les Champs (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenade Sentimentale (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DREAMING - CINEMA CAFE EDITION - CINEMA SOUNDTRACKS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenade Sentimentale / Sentimental Walk (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenade Sentimentale / Sentimental Walk (#2) (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Promenades Galantes (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 30 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Puissance et Gloire (1985) composed by 78 by 78 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quand j'y pense (1956) composed by 43 by 43 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quand l'Ecole sera Finie (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 116 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°1 en mi bémol majeur - Adagio Allegro-agitato (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°1 en mi bémol majeur - Finale (Allegro Assai) (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°1 en mi bémol majeur - Larghetto sans lenteur (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°1 en mi bémol majeur - Scherzo (Allegretto Moderato) (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°2 en do majeur - Deuxième Mouvement (Lento - 3 extraits) (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quatuor n°2 en do majeur - Premier Mouvement (Lento) (1992) composed by 33 by 33 - 94 - Album : LE SOUPER inetrprété par le Quatuor Athenaeum Enesco</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Qui est qui ? (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 13 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rabbi Jacob - Danses Symphoniques (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Radia's Boogie Rock Final (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rafales (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rain Drops (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rain Forest (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rainbow Steps (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reaching Out (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reality (2000) composed by 51 by 51 - 44 - Album : DREAMING - CINEMA CAFE EDITION - CINEMA SOUNDTRACKS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reality (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reality (2001) composed by 51 by 51 - 44 - Album : MOVIE HITS 2 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reality - Dreams (2000) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : STAR TUBE 80 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Reception chez les Gastier (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Réception chez les Gastiers (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 76 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Recherche de l'Infidèle (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rencontre du Breton Type (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rencontre en Forêt (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rencontre Tzigane (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rendez-vous à New York (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Requiem d'Hermine (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Requiem du Char de la Santé (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Requins à la Havane (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Retour de Christian (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Retrouvailles (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 8 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Réveillon à Saverne (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rhapsodie in Bronx (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Richard (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Richard (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 1 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rio Claro (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rio de Janeiro (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rio de Janeiro (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rio de Janeiro (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rio de Janeiro (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Robe du soir et smoking (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Robe du soir et smoking (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rockin' At the Hop (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Romain et Sarah (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Romp in the Hay (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rondo Capriccioso (1992) composed by 6 by 6 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Rue des Rosiers (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 98 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">S.E.N.X. (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 48 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sacrés pirates (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sacs d'Embrouilles (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Saint-François et les Oiseaux (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 22 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Saint-Trop Reggae (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Salsa du Gripsou (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Salsa du Gripsou (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 60 - Album : LA SOIF DE L'OR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Salut l'Artiste - Yves et Danièle (2005) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Vladimir COSMA dirige l'Orchestre National de Lyon</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Salvator le Caïd (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 79 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Samba Cueca (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 69 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Samba Cueca (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 69 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE 2 (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Samba de Jane (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Samba de Jane (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sambre et Meuse (1991) composed by 26 by 26 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sans Famille (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sans Famille (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Santa Rita (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Santini et Madame / Santini and the Lady (2001) composed by 59 by 59 - 139 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sapato Rosa (thème principal) (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sarah et Meyer (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Scène d'amour (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Scène sentimentale (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 28 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Scène sentimentale (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 28 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Scottish Bagpipes (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Séducteur de Luxe (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Séduction (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sentimen Mwen (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sentimental Trio (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sentimental Walk / Promenade Sentimentale (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sérénade des Fugitifs (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 31 - Album : LE FURET / VILLE A VENDRE / LE MARI DE LEON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sérénade Langoureuse (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 50 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Shampooing de Star (1974) composed by 59 by 59 - 55 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Shepherd's Song (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Shimmy (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Shimmy (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Si tu vas à Rio (1983) composed by 7 by 7 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Silien (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Silien (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Silverman (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Silverman (instrumental) (1982) composed by 59 by 59 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sin tu amor (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 95 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sirba (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 81 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sirba (le retour..) (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 92 - Album : LE GRAND BLOND AVEC UNE CHAUSSURE NOIRE / LE RETOUR DU GRAND BLOND</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Slow pour vibraphone et trombone (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Slow pour vibraphone et trombone (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Slow Vibraphone (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 95 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soir de Tourment (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soirée à Neuilly (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soirée à Neuilly (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soirée chez Daniel (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soirée chez Daniel (1961) composed by 38 by 38 - 90 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soirée Interminable - gen. fin (Bulerias) (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 26 - Album : CUISINE ET DEPENDANCES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soleil (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soleil (version radio) (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 138 - Album : SOLEIL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Soleil à Vendre (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Solitude (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Solitude d'Anthony (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sometimes in my dreams (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sometimes in my dreams (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 104 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">SOS Planète (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Souper aux Bartavelles (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 52 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Souvenirs (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Souvenirs d'Enfance (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Souvenirs des Collines (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Spartakus - gen. anglais (1985) composed by 68 by 68 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Spring Time in Dublin (2003) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTICA (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Springtime in Dublin (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Spy Natacha (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 19 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Stars and Tripes (1991) composed by 30 by 30 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Stomp (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Strip-tease (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 28 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Strip-tease (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 28 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Substitution (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 43 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite Française - Gigue (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite Française - Menuet (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite Française - Passe pied (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur deux notes (1957) composed by 42 by 42 - 0 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur la Pointe des Pieds (1990) composed by 59 by 59 - 115 - Album : LE PERE NOEL EST UNE ORDURE / LES SOUS-DOUES EN VACANCES / P'TIT CON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur la route de Tunis (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 9 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur les planches (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 130 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur les planches (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 130 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur les Toits de Nice (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Sur son lit... (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suspense (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 58 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suspense aux Sablons (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suspense et Whisky (1963) composed by 38 by 38 - 3 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suzanne (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 78 - Album : LE FILS DU FRANCAIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Swing au Cercle Interallié (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Swingin' Around (1980) composed by 68 by 68 - 44 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Swinging Arsène (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Swinging Bunny (1980) composed by 59 by 59 - 73 - Album : COURSE A L'ECHALOTE / MOUTARDE... / JOUET / COUP DU PARAPLUIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">T. Bone Steak (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE RABBI JACOB / L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / LA ZIZANIE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tabaris (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tango de l'Angoisse (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tango des Zozos (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 116 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tango Moussinois (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tant je suis amoureux de vous (version instrumentale) (1957) composed by 39 by 39 - 0 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tarantelle d'Alexandre (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 134 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tarte à la Crème (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 36 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Taxi vers le Ritz (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 127 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendre Animal (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 38 - Album : L'AS DES AS / L'ANIMAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendre comme le Souvenir (1993) composed by 59 by 59 - 128 - Album : MONTPARNASSE PONDICHERY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendres Sentiments (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendres Sentiments (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendres sentiments (1957) composed by 38 by 38 - 135 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tendresse Paternelle (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 30 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Terre et Ciel (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">T'es OK (1983) composed by 10 by 10 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Favor (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Hunters (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Indian (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Jaguar (overture) (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Look Out is Out (1986) composed by 68 by 68 - 7 - Album : ASTERIX CHEZ LES BRETONS / ASTERIX ET LA SURPRISE DE CESAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Paso Doble (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Song of Departures (piano rag) (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 68 - Album : LA GLOIRE DE MON PERE / LE CHATEAU DE MA MERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Space at Matupa (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Very big Fish (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">The Watch (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 54 - Album : LA MONTRE, LA CROIX ET LA MANIERE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Theme d'Agnes (1978) composed by 59 by 59 - 33 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème d'amour (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : ALPHAVILLE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème d'amour (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème d'amour (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Claire (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de David (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Theme de David (version romantique) (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 96 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Florence (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Jeanne (1986) composed by 59 by 59 - 105 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de l'Amitié (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de l'Aventure / Adventure Theme (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Maggy (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Theme de Malou (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Mercuès (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Nadia (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Nadia (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Nadia (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Nadia (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Panisse (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 123 - Album : LA TRILOGIE MARSEILLAISE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Paula (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Picassoff (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 126 - Album : MICHEL STROGOFF</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Rémy (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 137 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Teddy (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 37 - Album : L'AMOUR EN HERITAGE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème de Tristan (1983) composed by 59 by 59 - 103 - Album : LA CHEVRE / LES COMPERES / LES FUGITIFS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Theme de Valerie (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 13 - Album : LE DISTRAIT / JE SUIS TIMIDE / LES MALHEURS D'ALFRED</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème d'Edouard (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème des Berg (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 18 - Album : CHATEAUVALLON</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème des Mousquetaires (1979) composed by 32 by 32 - 149 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème d'Isa (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 102 - Album : LES COEURS BRULES / LES YEUX D'HELENE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème du Chien (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thème Pathétique (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 203 - Album : LA NEIGE ET LE FEU</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Theme St Louis (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 49 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thèmes des Mondes Engloutis (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 109 - Album : LES MONDES ENGLOUTIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Thirty Saxes (1977) composed by 59 by 59 - 25 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Three in a Canoe (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tiens, tiens, tiens (version instrumentale) (1957) composed by 39 by 39 - 0 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Till We Meet Again (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Top People (2004) composed by 59 by 59 - 4 - Album : ALBERT EST MECHANT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Toscania (1994) composed by 19 by 19 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Toscania - generique fin (1994) composed by 19 by 19 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tout va très bien...-Qu'est-ce qu'on attend?-Comme tout le monde-Près de vous da (1957) composed by 39 by 39 - 0 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Traffic (1979) composed by 59 by 59 - 43 - Album : L'AILE OU LA CUISSE / L'INSPECTEUR LA BAVURE / BANZAI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tragédie (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 107 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Train Fantôme - la capture (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Train Fantôme - le tunnel (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tren-tren (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tren-tren (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tristesse de Pignon / The Sadness of Pignon (2001) composed by 59 by 59 - 139 - Album : THE JAGUAR / THE DINER GAME / THE CLOSET - Music Vladimir COSMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Trois sur la Pirogue / Three in a Canoe (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tropique (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Troublante Rencontre (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tuileries sous la Pluie / The Tilery beneath the Rain (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tutti Flutti (1997) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SUPREME LOUNGE (compilation)</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Tutti Frutti (1983) composed by 44 by 44 - 66 - Album : LE BAL</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Twist again à Deauville (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 130 - Album : MAMBO SAMBA CHA-CHA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Twist again à Deauville (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 130 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Two Much (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ultime Avancée (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 122 - Album : LA DEROBADE / MALDONNE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Air Oublié (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 91 - Album : LE RETOUR D'ARSENE LUPIN / LES NOUVEAUX EXPLOITS D'ARSENE LUPIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Amour Fraternel (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 114 - Album : LES SABLES MOUVANTS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Drôle de Dimanche (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 143 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Drôle de Dimanche (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 143 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Elephant ça trompe énormément (1976) composed by 59 by 59 - 144 - Album : NOUS IRONS TOUS AU PARADIS / UN ELEPHANT CA TROMPE ENORMEMENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Fol Amour (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Oeil sur la Ville (1984) composed by 59 by 59 - 89 - Album : LA SEPTIEME CIBLE / LE PRIX DU DANGER</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Oursin dans la Poche (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 145 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Reve d'hier, une Emotion d'Aujourd'hui (1999) composed by 59 by 59 - 93 - Album : Bandes Originales des Films de Gerard OURY</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Un Trop Grand Amour (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Une Etoile dans le Ciel (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Une Nuit à Paris (2000) composed by 59 by 59 - 63 - Album : LA VACHE ET LE PRESIDENT</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valentine (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse à la Française (1998) composed by 59 by 59 - 67 - Album : LE BAL DES CASSE PIEDS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse de la Fatalité (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 107 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse de la Fatalité (1951) composed by 38 by 38 - 107 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse de Paulo (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 113 - Album : LES AVENTURES DE DAVID BALFOUR / LES ROSES DE DUBLIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des Assassins (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des Bonnes Femmes (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des Bonnes Femmes (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des Bonnes Femmes (1960) composed by 38 by 38 - 100 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des rues (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 121 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des rues (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des rues (1958) composed by 38 by 38 - 121 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des rues (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des sentiments (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse des Sentiments (1959) composed by 38 by 38 - 34 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse d'Hélène (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 3</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse d'Hélène (1954) composed by 38 by 38 - 132 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse du Caroussel (1994) composed by 59 by 59 - 14 - Album : CACHE CASH</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse Sifflotante (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse triste (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : ALPHAVILLE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse triste (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse Triste (2004) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : NOVA FAIT SON CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Valse triste (1965) composed by 38 by 38 - 6 - Album : MUSIQUE & CINEMA des années 50 à la Nouvelle Vague - Musique de Paul MISRAKI</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vanessa (1991) composed by 59 by 59 - 62 - Album : LA TOTALE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vengeance de Kumaré (1996) composed by 59 by 59 - 82 - Album : LE JAGUAR</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vers l'amour... (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vers l'amour... (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 46 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol.4</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vers le Destin (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 106 - Album : LES GRANDES FAMILLES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vertiges de l'Irremediable (1989) composed by 59 by 59 - 64 - Album : LA VOUIVRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vieni Qui (1994) composed by 57 by 57 - 35 - Album : L'AFFAIRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vieni Qui (1975) composed by 57 by 57 - 61 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Viens, le Chien ! (1968) composed by 59 by 59 - 5 - Album : ALEXANDRE LE BIENHEUREUX / CLERAMBARD</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ville à Vendre (1992) composed by 59 by 59 - 146 - Album : VILLE A VENDRE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Voie sans Issue / Dead End (1981) composed by 59 by 59 - 27 - Album : DIVA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vol avec effraction (1962) composed by 38 by 38 - 77 - Album : NOUVELLE VAGUE - Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI - vol. 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Vol de Nuit (1987) composed by 59 by 59 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">We'll Meet Again (1989) composed by 46 by 46 - 142 - Album : TILL WE MEET AGAIN</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">White Sail (2002) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : CELTIC MYSTERIES</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ya Habibi Ya Aini / Da mi gurita (1996) composed by 50 by 50 - 88 - Album : LE PLUS BEAU METIER DU MONDE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Yacht melody (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : JAZZ, SWING & CINEMA</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Yacht melody (1956) composed by 38 by 38 - 29 - Album : Musiques Originales de Paul MISRAKI vol.1</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">You Call it Love (1987) composed by 68 by 68 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">You Call it Love (1987) composed by 68 by 68 - 42 - Album : L'ETUDIANTE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Your Eyes (1982) composed by 68 by 68 - 45 - Album : LA BOUM / LA BOUM 2</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Yves et Daniele (1973) composed by 59 by 59 - 136 - Album : SALUT L'ARTISTE / COURAGE FUYONS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Yves et Danielle (1985) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : SENTIMENTAL WALK IN PARIS</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Zozo's One Step (1975) composed by 59 by 59 - 116 - Album : LE CHAUD LAPIN / LES ZOZOS / PLEURE PAS LA BOUCHE PLEINE</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Prélude (Orchestre) (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Marius! Fanny! - Marius emporte moi! (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le temps prend son temps (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Qu'est-ce que c'est? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Il faut choisir sa vie (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Oh! Ma belle Honorine - Naturellement, c'est la petite (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">J'ai à te parler Marius! (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">C'est moi... Marius, c'est toi que j'aime (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Loin vers un autre destin (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Ouverture - Le monde entier (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Qu'as-tu fais Marius? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Est-ce le monde qui s'écroule? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Maitre Panisse! Oui ma belle! (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Quand viendra-t-il à naître? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Panisse, tu m'ouvres? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Mais quand il sera né (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Préparatifs de mariage (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Interlude - Alors, c'est un garçon ? (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Prendre mon petit! (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Non, jamais... (2008) composed by 59 by 59 - 124 - Album : Marius Et Fanny</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Kidnapped - La légende de David (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 239 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel Strogoff - Thème de Nadia (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Michel Strogoff - Danse Tartare (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite La gloire de mon Père/Le château de ma Mère - I) Habanera (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite La gloire de mon Père/Le château de ma Mère - II) Les vacances (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite La gloire de mon Père/Le château de ma Mère - III) Isabelle (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite La gloire de mon Père/Le château de ma Mère - IV) Valse d'Augustine (2006) composed by Vladimir Cosma by Vladimir Cosma - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Suite d'orchestre La Boum (2006) composed by Vladimir Cosma by Vladimir Cosma - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> <li shxiq="34hw2">Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire - Danse Roumaine (2006) composed by 59 by 59 - 0 - Album : Live au Victoria Hall de Genève</li> </ul>
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